Behind the scenes - a day in our life

I wanted to give you a sneak peak of what our typical day in the life is like. We are just ordinary people. I work a 9-5 job, Phoenix goes to my Dad's house for the day along with school and therapy throughout the week. Every day is different for her. 

My day is pretty much always the same. I leave here around 7:15 AM and drop Phoenix off and head to work. My commute is about an hour one way. I work 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM. In case you were wondering what I do for a living, I sell auto parts on eBay.

I usually get to my parent's house to pick Phoenix up at 6:00 PM. We go home and get going on our night time routine. 

I get everything unpacked from the day and get everything around for the next day. I get everyone fed, our dog Billie, our cat Alaska and Phoenix has her dinner while I do some clean up. After her dinner she helps me with the dishes, goes potty, washes her hands and brushes her teeth. Then it is time to wind down before bed. 

Usually I don't get dinner until late, usually anything that is fast and easy. 

That is pretty much it! Check out the video for a more in depth version. I would love to hear what you do for your night time routine. Leave it below in the comments!


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