Hey Guys! I’m Back!


Hey guys I am back!! Starting fresh! 2 weeks ago I put in my notice at work and I am currently finishing up my last week there. I have been at this job for over 5 years, worked my butt off with no real growth. I drove an hour one way, so a total of a 2 hour commute daily and I finally realized that IT IS NOT WORTH IT! Do not work yourself to the point of exhaustion especially when there is nothing you are working toward. Yes, I am talking to you in the back, I know you know what I am talking about! 

I am not 100% sure yet what I will do from here on out, but I know I will figure it out and so will you. Remember those dreams you had?? Don’t let those dreams go to waste. Work your butt off for what really matters. 

For me, what matters most, is being there for my daughter. As she gets older I am needing to be more and more present in her life and spending 2 hours on the road per day with work in between was not cutting it. 

I am here to share my journey with you! I am hoping to inspire you, motivate you to take care of your self and your mental health. I want to stay feeling young so I can forever keep up with my daughter and her energy. (I recently had the dreaded 35th birthday, which normally I do not care about, but this age kind of scared me for some reason). I feel like I wasted 5 years, but then again, I do know I learned what I do and don’t want in life. I learned how to be strong and how to be independent. I can’t wait to share what comes! 

I would love to hear what is on your mind! I want to build a community of people that are going through tough times just like we are. Please feel free to reach out, even if you just need to vent! 

You are amazing! We’ll talk soon! 

xo Jacquline


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