Ups & Downs Of The Week .001

Photo by Lisa from Pexels

Photo by Lisa from Pexels

This was A WEEK!! I am not 100% sure how I feel about it, definitely overwhelming. We took a mini day trip to Chicago for my daughter to have a few check ups with some doctors and some follow up x-rays. That was a very long day and pretty much after that happened the rest of the week was a blur.


  • The weather this week was GORGEOUS here. I am 100% a hoodie girl and it was about 75-79 degrees Fahrenheit with sun and I was loving it.

  • Phoenix finally got fitted for some new braces (AFOs) which was LONG overdue. We couldn’t get in for an appointment due to Covid.

  • I got to catch up with friends on the phone which was amazing!

  • I started painting again! It has been about 6 months since the last time I picked up a paint brush.

  • I sold some things on Poshmark!

  • I got roller skates!!

  • My daughter lost her very first tooth and got to get a visit from the Tooth fairy! She was so excited. She is also going to lose another tooth any day now.

  • I learned that my absolute favorite kind of food is Middle Eastern food. I can’t get enough (thanks to Hello Fresh!)

  • I finally live in a house where the windows are working! They open and close and have screens. This is the first time in SOO long that I have been able to open all the windows in my house and let in fresh air, super thankful.

  • Someone I connected through on Instagram reached out is going through a similar situation with her daughter and we are planning on having the girls FaceTime so they know they aren’t alone! Community (near or far) is everything!


  • We got the unfortunate news that Phoenix will need to get another surgery, but this surgery will be a bit bigger than the last one. We are both bummed, but it is what she needs and even though the process will be hard, I know the outcome will be worth it. You can read more about her story here if you’re not sure what I am talking about!

  • After getting that news I basically shut down for a few days. I had zero motivation and I just felt like my mind needed time to process the information that we received.

  • Watching the devastation caused from Hurricane Ida made me feel so helpless and my heart hurt for everyone effected. I know there are things you can do, but currently I do not have the funds to help in that way. Click here to help with the Disaster Relief through the American Red Cross. If you are unable to help with money you could always share which helps just as much!


That is it for this week, the weekly ups and downs recap. I hope you all had a great week and just know that what ever you are going through, it is important and there are millions of people that are here and will support you! Never suffer in silence (unless that is how you cope). 

xo jacqueline


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