I started Waking up at 5 AM and this Happened

So, what brought me to this waking up at 5 AM thing? A book, specifically, “The 5 Second Rule” by  Mel Robbins. This book covers more than just waking up early, but waking up early has created a domino effect of good things. 

First, let’s cover how I started waking up early. She recommends putting your alarm in a completely different room, and for me my alarm is on my phone. She says to put it somewhere where you can still hear it but you have to leave your room in order to turn it off. When the alarm goes off a lot of times my mind takes over and pretty much tries to talk me out of getting up. That’s where the 5 second rule comes into play, counting down from 5 changes your mind set and throws it off. I highly recommend this book for sure, a must read!

So now that we’ve got that covered, what happened once I started waking up at 5 AM? My life changed! First, my anxiety went way down! I am a single mom with one daughter who has cerebral palsy so I don’t have any time to think about myself or even have time to mentally breathe. This time to myself was crucial and I didn’t even realize how bad I needed it. 

Secondly, I started to get things that I’ve always wanted to get done done! All of those side hustles I wrote about, talked about and thought about. I started making progress in all of the areas I never thought I would ever get to do. They say that when you first wake up your most productive in those few hours after. Your mind is the most motivated and clear. I have to say it is so true. Obviously, this is not an overnight change, but the whole point is just to start! Don’t worry about being perfect in what you are doing. You can perfect it as you go. 

Lastly, with all of those amazing things I started making myself and my dreams a priority. Before starting this I was not taking care of myself, I was basically just going through the motions of life. I really think you should give this a try. Let me know what happens when you started getting up early! Soon I will be doing a morning routine blog post so you guys can see what I do when I have that extra time to myself. 

It was amazing!


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